Us Weekly: Taylor acts up!

Us Weekly
Published: August 25, 2014

Most freshyizced actresses are hungry for the biggest part they can nab. Taylor Swift would only accept the smallest. “The fact that it’s so tiny is what drew me to it,” the star, 24, tells Us of her role as supernaturally gifted student Rosemary in the sciji fantasy The Giver (in theaters now). “I didn’t want to bite off more than I could chew with a leading role just yet.”

Besides, Swift – whose prior screen credits include a bit part in the 2010 rom-com Valentines Day and cameos in TV’s New Girl and CSI – has a dayjab. As she explains, “I only had so much time because I’m so busy with my music. So to take a week off to film in South Africa last October and learn what it’s like to be on a film set was a dream scenario.” Swift (Psst! She’s been hinting online that her fifth album may be on the way) shares more fond memories exclusively with Us.

The film is based on a popular dystopian YA novel. Is that why you signed on?
Oh, yeah. The Giver had a huge impact on me when I was in school. It made me think about how strange it is that intense pain is usually balanced out by intense joy – obviously a theme I explore in music.

And there’s another selling point: You’re in a movie with Meryl Streep and Jeff Bridges!
Um, definitely! Even getting to meet Jeff Bridges is a crazy thought for me! And actually getting to be in the scene with him was so far above and beyond what I could expect for what’s essentially my first role in a major movie.

You must have been so nervous during filming!
To be honest, I was so jetlagged that my entire time on set slipped away and the days would fade into each other. But the numerous breaks in between takes were the best. Jeff and I held jam sessions in his dressing room with his drums, guitars and keyboard. We’d play, then everybody joined in whether they knew the song or not.

You didn’t have any scenes with Katie Holmes, but did you get to bond with her at all?
Yep, we had a girls’ day! I went over and hung out with Katie and her daughter, Suri. We had our nails done, ate sushi and talked about what our lives are like and everything else that girlfriends talk about.

Not bad for a rookie. Does that mean more acting is in your future?
I don’t know That has yet to be determined. I seem to be changing so much and so quickly these days that it is hard to rule out anything. I never thought that I’d live in New York or even cut my hair. These are all things that changed recently and it is really funny and interesting how life keeps you on your toes. I would never say I’d never do another movie, but then again, I know I’m going to be touring for the next two years pretty soon – and I’m so excited about that I can barely function!

Swift’s Subdued Big-Screen Style!

I forgot I had a wig on during filming,” says Swift.

For Swift, putting on a chocolate-hued wig wasn’t the most startling part of her Giver transformation. “It was very strange not having bangs!” she tells Us. “I usually have a considerable portion of my forehead covered up.” While she adds she got used to the demure look “after five minutes,” she can’t envision making a permanent switch. “I don’t think I’d ever dye my hair dark,” says the star. “Then again, I’ve said that before about things I’ve gone and done!

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